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More than three years went into the research, writing, manufacturer approval, filming, editing and animating of these in-depth water and sewer training videos. We were approached to make instructional materials by a distributor who needed something comprehensive to train his new employees, refresh his seasoned employees and to demonstrate proper procedures to outside operators. He was tired of having products returned that were incorrectly installed and voiding manufacturer warranties or stop the inspection process, holding up jobs in the area. The more his employees knew the better they would be able to serve the construction companies and operators in his area. That began our company, Waterworks Industry Solutions (WWIS).


We started with a crew of people, including a teacher, professionals from the waterworks industry, construction companies, and parts manufacturers. Together we laid the groundwork for the training series. We focused on the most sought after and needed training to benefit the largest number of laborers. Then we used skilled operators that had worked in the field to host our training. Our own media team was used for all of the writing, filming, editing and creating the animations.

Pak Hughes and Jim Duncan

host our training videos and combined have over 66 years of experience in the waterworks industry.

In 2006, our training was released on DVDs and included worksheets and tests for continuing education credits. In the states of Oregon, Nevada, California and Arizona, CEU's or contact hours could be received for completing our training. Since then, men and women have been taking our training and saving time and money by completing their CEU's during downtime at work or after hours in the comfort of their homes. We found that more and more operators were needing quality training at an affordable price that they could complete at their convenience with or without continuing education credits. DVDs offered that ability, but were costly to reproduce. In 2018, technology finally made it possible to take our training online. We changed the name of our training series from WWIS to Waterworks Training. Our focus turned to making the training available to anyone and everyone who had a smart device and an internet connection.


In May 2019, we released our training in a simple and convenient, format not only for national use, but access internationally. Our DVDs had been shipped all over the world. Releasing them online will allow the ability for safer water and sewer systems to be installed around the world, and without the hassle of using a DVD player. More people, than ever, have access to a mobile phone or tablet and our site has been made with that in mind. Our website is designed to be viewed on computers, iDevices, tablets and smart phones. As long as you can see the web, you will be able to view our videos.


The need for safer water and sewer systems has never been greater.  We truly hope that we can serve the greater good and aid in the proper installation of safer systems around the world. 

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Formerly Waterworks Industry Solutions (WWIS), LLC

© 2024

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